Present State, Desired State, Blocking: The Power of Intention Aug 07, 2023



It is amazing how often when coaching someone, a shift happens before we truly get started on any of the deeper work that was intended.  It was surprising initially, but upon reflection, it isn’t all that surprising. 


Our focus is so precious. As humans, we are genuin...

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Be ResponseABLE, not Responsible Nov 22, 2022

There are many ways our stress response (fight or flight) is evoked and narrows our focus and attention to our physical survival. When we get triggered by the news, feel criticized, make a big mistake or find ourselves in a familiar negative situation, our bodies get tight, poised for action, and we...

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10 Minutes to harness the Power of Intentionality breathing exercise technique Nov 16, 2022

Present State. Desired State. Moving into the Holidays

Do you know how sometimes when we begin to sense the holidays approaching, we feel dread and sometimes we feel totally excited and sometimes we just feel blah??? 

This could have a lot to do with the state of our ANS (Autonomic Nervous System)...

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The ABC’s of Choice: The Basics choice freedom Nov 08, 2022

Have you ever given yourself total freedom of choice? 

What does it feel like when you don’t have any choice at all?  

Choice is the very essence of life. To be alive is to be in motion, relating to the world as it comes.  When we become frozen or stagnant our life loses its responsiveness, energy...

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